The recent EPR terror attacks on Mexico's oil infrastructure went virtually unnoticed and unreported in the MSM. However the impact on the Mexican and U.S. economy is far from insignificant. In the recent article shown below, notorious MECha and Aztlan proponent Ernesto Cienfuegos, celebrates it as an attack on the US economy. With scarcely concealed pride he calls the recent EPR terrorist attack on Mexico's oil infrastructure an Al Qaeda success. Does he know something we don't know? He surmises that only someone that is an "experienced bomb maker" would be able to do this. He states that Mexico is worried about the sophisticated and much more powerful Improvised Explosives Devices (IED's) that EPR is now using.
On his website you can find links supporting two of the four insurgent/terrorist groups operating in Mexico. EZLN and the Mexica Movement. According to this website there are four main Indigenous and Guerrilla warfare movement groups in Mexico. The Mexica Movement is the only one that has not been implicated in any attacks to this point. They are currently involved in the recruiting in the US and run perhaps the best racist I hate white site on the internet. They actively stage protest rallies and recruit the gullible on college campuses. They are especially active in California and Texas. Nice to know that at least they appreciate the liberty that our country allows them spread their Marxist propaganda.
Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR)
Zapatist National Liberation Army (EZLN)
Zapatist National Liberation Front (FZLN)
Mexica Movement (Indigenous Movement of the People of Anahuac)The Zapatistas have been the most active in fighting the Mexican government in the '90's. A current state of truce exists officially since 2000 when Vincente Fox was elected. The EPR is thought to be connected to EZLN but for obvious political reasons they function as a separate group. They are the ones attacking the government today. Have they been trained by Al Qaeda as Ernesto seems to indicate? Does he know something because of his open connection to two of these groups seen on his website?
The House report released in 2006 titled A Line in the Sand, FBI Director Robert Muller confirmed in his testimony:
"that there are individuals from countries with known al-Qa’ida connections who are changing their Islamic surnames to Hispanic-sounding names and obtaining false Hispanic identities, learning to speak Spanish and pretending to be Hispanic immigrants."
It also states that:
"Islamic radical groups that support Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamiya Al Gamat are all active in Latin America. These groups generate funds through money laundering, drug trafficking, and arms deals, making millions of dollars every year via their multiple illicit activities. These cells reach back to the Middle East and extend to this hemisphere the sophisticated global support structure of international terrorism. While threats to our nation from international terrorism are well known, lesser known threats spawned by narcoterrorism reach deeply into this country."
The Washington Times reported on September 28, 2004, that the notorious MS-13 gang had held meeting with the terrorist group, Al Qaeda. The meetings were rumored to concern methods of smuggling humans into the United States across Mexican borders. Police indicated that Al Qaeda had sought a partnership with MS-13.The question that needs to be asked is this. Is EPR receiving training from Al Qaeda? Is that where they have learned to build their more sophisticated bombs and IED's? Intelligence reports have suggested that Latin American terrorists are receiving training at Al Qaeda camps in North Africa. Could this be the result?
Ernesto threateningly states that, "It would be much wiser for President Calderon to negotiate with the EPR" rather than hire Strategic Forecasting, Inc. for security. What is he a foreign policy adviser now? Is he an ambassador of peace for the EPR? Shall we sit down with the devil and discuss this. How long will it be until they bring their terrorism into Texas, into the heart of America? How long before they are openly doing Al Qaeda's dirty work in America?
The Aztlan movement are open supporters of the Zapatistas and the Mexica Movement and from this article I can now safely assume EPR as well. So effectively they support all the Marxist revolutionary groups operating in Mexico and the US. Mexico is ripe for the revolutionary propaganda of left-wing socialist groups because of the economic problems and increased poverty and corruption in Mexico exacerbated by NAFTA and now the richest man in the world, Mexican Carlos Slim. To try and solve their internal problems Mexico is now exporting their Marxist revolution to America.
And that same revolution is being imported into the US by the Bush Administration's implementation of the open border policies of the SPP agenda. Greed and pandering to big Business and Mexico seem to take priority over common sense and national security needs. The SPP agenda is in direct conflict with the overriding national security need to secure our borders. Six years after 9/11 the situation is actually worse. Yet Bush tells us he is protecting America by fighting terrorism in Iraq. Meanwhile he leaves continues to leave our southern border undefended and open to terrorist counter attack.
And MECHa scuzzballs like Ernesto Cienfuegos only add fuel to the fire. Not a wise move GW. I consider Bush's actions to be criminally negligent and the incompetent Michael Chertoff deserves the same condemnation as well. Will the inability of the Bush administration to connect the dots lead to another horrific terror attack on the U.S.? I would hope not but it does not appear that they are currently aware of just how dangerous this situation is. It is imperative for our national security that we secure the border now. Not in 12 years. Not in 8 years. It needs to be done now. Duncan Hunter says he can build a fence from California to Texas in just 6 months. I believe him. That is why I support Duncan Hunter for President in 2008.
Mexican insurgents cause record $80 per barrel crude oil price
Al-Qaeda's goal to collapse the US. economy appears on track
Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de AztlanLos Angeles, Alta California - September 12, 2007 - (ACN) The new bombings of six facilities of Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) by the Ejercito Popular Revolucionario (EPR) early Monday caused the price today of U.S. light crude for October delivery to rise to a record $80.00 per barrel. At the same time the dollar fell to a new all-time low against the Euro. The 13-nation Euro rose to $1.3901 today, topping all previous records.
A military spokesman of the EPR said that they placed 12 explosive devices each on 12 pipelines of Petroleos Mexicanos located at La Antigua, Ursulo Galvan, Omealca, Mendoza, Cumbres de Maltrata in the state of Veracruz and in Cuapiaxtla in the state of Tlaxcala. The explosives were detonated simultaneously at 2:00 AM on September 10. The EPR also carried out successful bombings of PEMEX facilities in the states of Queretaro and Guanajuato in July.
The EPR has in the past condemned the Vicente Fox and the Felipe Calderon administrations for selling out Mexico's petroleum resources to US interests. They believe that Mexican oil revenues are being siphoned off by the super rich and are never used to benefit the desperately poor Mexican people. The EPR claims that this is one reason why millions of Mexican workers have been forced to migrate north of the border.
The insurgent attacks have also caused massive losses in the Mexican economy. The industrial sectors have reported losses of over 200 million dollars since Monday. The lack of natural gas alone has affected over 375 large corporations in the states of Mexico, Puebla, Aguascalientes, Queretaro, Tlaxcala, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Jalisco, Guanajuato and the Federal District. Over 10,000 workers are presently idle. Many of these are already heading to the USA.
Yesterday, work at the following auto plants was suspended: Volkswagen, in Puebla; Chrysler, in Toluca; General Motors, in Silao; Ford, in Cuautitlan; Honda, in El Salto, and over 100 suppliers of auto parts in various states are presently closed..
In addition, steel industry representatives have reported that 60% of steel production has been halted due to the lack of energy caused by the EPR bombings of the PEMEX pipelines.Mexico is the number two oil exporter to the US and as such figures greatly in the security of the country. Al-Qaeda has already made it one of their goals to starve the US of critical petroleum based energy in order to force the collapse of the economy. With this much at stake, the US Department of State has already made moves to assure the continued flow of Mexican oil across the border. The Calderon government has contracted with the CIA controlled SY Coleman Corporation based in Arlington, Virginia to provide security for the PEMEX facilities, something that could backfire on the PAN Party administration. It would be much wiser for President Calderon to negotiate with the EPR.
In addition, the Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (Stratfor), through the US State Department, is now offering its services to President Felipe Calderon. Stratfor is supposedly a private intelligence agency founded in 1996 in Austin, Texas but insiders know the outfit as "The Shadow CIA". Stratfor analysts say that the EPR has "evolved greatly". They believe that the recent sophisticated operations by the EPR can not be the work of simple "campesinos". Stratfor says that they believe the recent bombings were led by very experienced bomb makers. They note that the recent operations against PEMEX have evolved greatly from what is usual for the group. The range of the attacks are much more widespread and are coming much more frequent. They are also worried about the much more sophisticated and much more powerful Improvised Explosives Devices (IED's) the EPR has been using.
Original article