Micheal Chertoff has been working overtime recently - running his mouth again. An appropriate endeavor for a Harvard trained lawyer. He is quite good at it though - running his mouth I mean. It is that which comes out of it that I find so disturbing. O.K., I admit it - I find his picture quite disturbing as well. Some have even compared him to Skelator. Just how did a Harvard trained lawyer that was appointed as a Federal Judge ever end up in charge of America's security in the first place? What were his qualifications for this important position? How did this clown ever get put into a position of being one of the most powerful men in America - in charge of our "Homeland Security"? Which begs the question - why is it called the Department of Homeland Security anyway? I find the term rather un-American, like intelligence or terror Czar. What are we like Europeans now? Homeland? Czars? These are not terms we commonly use in America or American politics - but they do use them in Europe. In the European Union for instance. Anyway, I'll get into that critical issue later in this post.
Michael Chertoff is an open border, pro-illegal immigration promoting yappy dog for his handler El Presidente Bush. It is understandable why he has never had any experience in getting elected in politics. The mere sound of his snotty condescending voice incites reactions in me, which if acted on, would have me confined behind bars for the rest of my earthly life. So why do I find this pretentious jerk-off so detestable? Some claim that he is a perfect example of governmental incompetence and should be summarily fired (I would like to suggest perhaps he should be frog marched around Washington by Joe Wilson). Unable and also apparently unwilling to secure our borders and therefore America that would seem the prudent solution. But perhaps there is more to this "jerk-off" than first appears. Obviously our own open border panderer in chief has no intention of firing him. He is probably simply elated with him.
Chertoff inherited perhaps the most thankless job in America today. He certainly is not responsible for our broken borders. That mess goes back decades. Reagan tried to fix it with an amnesty bill in 1986 and failed. The enforcement measures were never implemented. Not only were the laws never enforced but they were watered down incrementally by liberal legislation under Bush, Clinton and Bush again. So we can't blame him for the problem - but we can blame him for not fixing it. Chertoff 's job description should be updated to read something like this. "Spend a lot of time and money convincing the American people that your really trying to fix our broken borders but don't do anything to actually close our borders and protect America and at all costs find anyway to obstruct the lawful implementation of the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and above all else do not build a fence."
So now you see why Chertoff is perhaps one of the most qualified people in America for this job. He has no intention of securing our borders or stopping illegal immigration. He has no intention of deporting illegals back to the country of origin. It is not that he is corrupt and incompetent. He is doing exactly what he is suppose to do - pretend that he is trying to stop illegal immigration while using every little Harvard lawyer trick in the book he can think of to actually increase it. Remember this, "jerk-off" works for a guy who has openly stated that he is against a fence and therefore against securing our borders. His recent appearance on the Glenn Beck show proves my point. He spent the entire time trying to convince us that he really is trying to enforce the law and build a fence but he is being obstructed by a "Federal Judge". Wow, I really feel your pain Michael. We, the American people, are the ones being obstructed by a former Federal Judge. This is a guy that finds more whiny excuses for why he can't do his job than a professional politician.
Here are just a few of the jerk-off's recent illegal immigration statements that reveal his lack of real interest in enforcing our current immigration laws. "Every time a Border Patrol officer is transporting a load of future housekeepers and landscapers to someplace to be returned, he's not looking for drug dealers or drug loads," Chertoff said.
Commenting to Wolf Blizter on the growing opposition to his Shamnesty Bill."Yea, well first I understand there's some people who expect ah anything other than capitol punishment is an amnesty."
And again commenting on the recent defeat of Shamnesty"I'm disappointed about the fact that there were some necessary tools which we needed to be able to do more than we can currently do in enforcing the law that were left on the floor of the Senate today," Chertoff said.
Here he is running his little open border yapper down in Texas.
Chertoff told a border-security conference in El Paso, Texas, that his department was now faced with having to enforce immigration laws that not only pull resources away from dealing with security threats but also have a negative impact on agriculture and other economic sectors that have become dependent on illegal migrant labor.
Homeland Security found itself facing “a need to pursue people coming here (illegally) to work, taking time away from (pursuing people) who are coming here to do us harm” like drug smugglers and terrorists.
Chertoff said he does not necessarily expect another vast comprehensive immigration package like the stalled reform bill. “It may take a couple of bites to digest,” he said.
But in the meantime his department and other federal agencies “had no choice” but to enforce existing laws, with consequences that will be “quite serious for some sectors” of the U.S. economy, like farming.
"In the end, it's very hard to secure the border with only brute force," he said. "It can be done, but it's going to be a labor-intensive and time-consuming way to do it."
Is Chertoff a Harvard trained psychic too? Here the jerk-off freelances in seasonal terror attack predictions. Chertoff: Hunch Terror Attack Coming
U.S. counter-terror officials are warning of an increased risk of an attack this summer, given al-Qaida's apparent interest in summertime strikes and increased al-Qaida training in the Afghan-Pakistani border region.
On Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the editorial board of The Chicago Tribune that he had a "gut feeling" about a new period of increased risk.He based his assessment on earlier patterns of terrorists in Europe and intelligence he would not disclose.
"Summertime seems to be appealing to them," Chertoff said in his discussion with the newspaper about terrorists. "We worry that they are rebuilding their activities."
Here are some statements by Robert Pastor a radical left-wing communist supporting university professor (imagine that), who is a passionate advocate of the NAU. According to Jerome Corsi, author of the NYT bestselling book, The Late Great U.S.A., Robert Pastor should be considered the father or main architect of the idea of North American Union.
"What we hope to accomplish by 2010 is a common external tariff which will mean that goods can move easily across the border. We want a common security perimeter around all of North America, so as to ease the travel of people within North America."
-Robert Pastor, Independent task force member, Council of Foreign Relations Independent Task Force on North America
Overcoming the tension between security and trade requires a bolder approach to continental integration: a North American customs union with a common external tariff (CET), which would significantly reduce border inspections and eliminate cumbersome rules-of-origin provisions designed to deny non-NAFTA products the same easy access. All three governments must also rethink the continental perimeter. Along with the CET, they should establish a "North American Customs and Immigration Force," composed of officials trained together in a single professional school, and they should fashion procedures to streamline border-crossing documentation. Most important, the Department of Homeland Security should expand its mission to include continental security -- a shift best achieved by incorporating Mexican and Canadian perspectives and personnel into its design and operation."
- Robert Pastor, North America's Second Decade from Foreign Affairs (January/February 2004)
North American Union Traitors Include Chertoff, Rice, Bush
So just what does Chertoff know about the NAU and when did he know it? I would expect that he knows a lot more than I do. It would certainly explain his pompous condescending know it all attitude towards America's rejection of his fraudulent immigration reform bill. He sees himself I'm sure, as the new Security Czar for a future North American Union. I understand now why they call it a Czar! It does not even bear a faint resemblance to our constitutional form of representative government. Congress has not been consulted nor have any treaties been ratified - yet the "amusing jelly bean dialogue" continues. The term dictatorial comes to mind. Chertoff has been present at all the important meetings and has played a pivotal role in advancing the SPP agenda. Immigration reform was the keystone of the plan to begin removing all restrictions for workers migrating to America. According to Corsi this was their first attempt to go public with the SPP agenda and it failed. Chertoff was one of the architects of Shamnesty and played a key role in not only it's authoring but in attempting to cram this down the throats of the American people. Carefully buried in the 1000 page bill were key sections that would have made the SPP Agenda law. I don't remember anyone discussing that with the American people? Stealth and secrecy are critical to successfully fooling the American people. Slow but steady incremental steps are the key to their betrayal of America or as Chertoff puts it, “It may take a couple of bites to digest."
This post from Bear Creek Ledger shows Chertoff and the DHS to be the go to guy in implementing the SPP agenda. It is important to remember that without Judicial Watch filing and winning a freedom of information lawsuit none of this information would be available to the general public. Such is the deceptive and deceitful nature of the current Administration. If it was just about "harmonizing" trade agreements -why be so secretive? The obvious answer is it is about more than they dare say. It is about laying the groundwork for the NAU.
Blue Collar Republican tells us about a memo received by Judicial Watch (records received through the FOIA). This memo from the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff describes responsibilities of the agencies within DHS in the execution of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) agenda. Remember SPP is not a treaty (thusly does not allow any Legislative action) and has been signed by no official of the United States yet Secretary Chertoff is enacting DHS agencies to follow and execute directives issued by this agreement.According to the memorandum signed by Secretary Chertoff: “…The [Security and Prosperity Partnership] has, in addition to identifying a number of new action items, comprehensively rolled up most of our existing homeland security-related policy initiatives with Canada and Mexico, and ongoing action and reporting in the various U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico working groups led by DHS [Department of Homeland Security] should now be driven by a single agenda: the SPP.”
So instead of being an incompetent big mouth, Chertoff is really loyally serving who? Not the American people - that is for sure. Chertoff serves the elite - big business interests and international bankers. He serves Bush who also serves the CFR elite. He may make token public efforts at law enforcement but that is not his goal. His goal is a North American Union with open borders and unrestricted migration of cheap workers who will serve the interests of the bankers and industrialist who see Central and South America as an untapped source of endless cheap labor. He recently transferred 1000 ICE agents to Customs. If he was really intent on enforcing our immigration laws he would be adding personnel to the beleaguered and undermanned ICE department, not gutting it.
Michael Chertoff is an open border jerk-off. I can only conclude that Bush and the rest of his open border lackeys are the same or worse. They are betraying America's sovereignty with deceit and guile and fraudulent free trade agreements. As far as I'm concerned they are guilty of treason. What a travesty for America, at a time when we are attacked by terrorists and in real danger, we are betrayed from within by individuals with loyalties other than America. Criminally and with malice and deceit they use the very issue of our national security to deceive us and put in place a plan to rend the United States of America. It is a violation of their oath of office which every federal law enforcement officer takes. It is apparent to me now why I shudder at the sound of his reprehensible and deceitful guile and treason. Treachery thy name is Chertoff.
Here is the oath which Bush and Chertoff and their open border lackeys are in complete violation of - not only in spirit but the letter of the law as well.
The Oath of Office and the Constitution
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
5 U.S.C. §3331
"I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”
-General Douglas MacArthur