"The development of a North American consciousness will likely come from increased trade and investment among the three NAFTA partners."
-Toward a North American Community Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
If you are concerned about the future of our great country then this book is a must read. Why? Because if you don't read it you will not fully understand what is going on in America today. I thought I did - but I found out many things I was not aware of. For instance I had no idea how the European Union came to be. I had read about it in the news at some point a few years back and thought to myself, "Well, that sounds like a great idea." Little did I know what it might portend for America. There are some very valid reasons to form the EU. The history of Europe's wars are a good one. There are none to form a North American Union, with the exception of greed and the insatiable lust for more power by the elite.
Corsi begins by showing the motive and method for forming the EU. A fifty year plan that was fully realized some 22 years after Jean Monnet, the French architect and "father" of the EU had died in 1979. Through a well laid plan of stealth and slow incremental economic and trade agreements, the foundation was laid for the eventual EU and the Euro. It was discussed as part of an ongoing public policy debate in Europe over the years. So far there has been virtually no public debate on the NAU. In fact if anyone tries to bring it up they are immediately tarred and feathered as a conspiratorial nut and ridiculed and derided as delusional and paranoid. That type of response in and of itself ought to arouse suspicions as to the true motive and intent of the NAFTA/SPP/NAU agenda, which originated in the exclusive 'think tanks' of the CFR elite.

The method of the Bush Administration in pursuing this SPP agenda would have left Bill Clinton in awe. Word games, semantics and ambiguous definitions of what the meaning of is - is, characterize this less than forth coming administration. No wonder Bush gave Clinton a virtual blanket pardon when elected in 2000. Through carefully crafted "dialogs" that avoid the lawful process of Congressional oversight of treaties and legislation, they have forged ahead purposely avoiding any real public debate on this issue. Dishonesty, deceitfulness, stealth and denial are the methods of hundreds of "working groups". A shadow government that exists within the framework of our current Federal government. Appointed by Bush they utilize public time and taxpayer money to work on deceptively worded terms such as "harmonizing economic variables." FOIA requests are the only way Judicial Watch has been able to pry the jealously guarded scraps of information from the mouth of this stealthy but ravenous beast. Nothing is revealed openly and like a great battle every hill seems to be contested by those dedicated to the elusive non-existent cause of the NAU. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

The Bush administration is starting to take so much flak that they've put up an official government disinformation site. The following was posted about the non-existent NAFTA Super Highway:
Myth: The U.S. Government, working though the SPP, has a secret plan to build a "NAFTA Super Highway."Yea, sure it isn't and "these are not the droids your looking for" either! An interesting and very careful choice of words. So they admit it exists but they have nothing to do with it. Nothing could be further from the truth. NAFTA is a Federal initiative and so is the SPP. SPP is an extension or continuation of NAFTA, although they are trying to do an end run around the US Constitution by calling it just an "ongoing dialog," or "a process." If it were so good for America you would think that they would be very proud of it and want to take credit for it as politicians are often want to do? Interestingly they claim that these are just "private and state interests". So are we to believe that states decided to do this on their own with no input or oversight from the Feds?
Fact: The U.S. government is not planning a NAFTA Super Highway. The U.S. government does not have the authority to designate any highway as a NAFTA Super Highway, nor has it sought such authority, nor is it planning to seek such authority. There are private and state level interests planning highway projects which they themselves describe as "NAFTA Corridors," but these are not Federally-driven initiatives, and they are not a part of the SPP.
Even more troubling is the claim that this is a private interest. Who's private interest would that be? So big business is running the US Government? Is that what they are admitting? The NACC is advising the SPP which is controlling our government? Private business interests take precedent over the national security in an elected representative government now? This is a morally corrupt group of people and they are not just Republicans. Don't think for a minute if Al Gore or John Kerry were President it would be any better. This process was started under Bill Clinton and it will probably be worse if Hitlary gets elected.

At a NASCO forum held on April 30, 2004 in Fort Worth, Texas Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta told the NASCO meeting:
"The people in this room have vision. Thinking ahead, thinking long-term, you began to make aggressive plans to develop the NASCO trade corridor – this vital artery in our national transportation through which so much of our NAFTA traffic flows.
"It flows across our nation's busiest southern border crossing in Laredo; over North America's busiest commercial crossing, the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit; and through Duluth, and Pe
ombina, North Dakota, and all the places in between." "And to our friends from Mexico who are here today, I say, 'Welcome, and get ready.' Opening the border is of mutual benefit."
Just how is opening the border of mutual benefit to us? Oh excuse me, you meant mutually for the Chinese and your buddies getting rich off all that free trade? So if Mineta was not representing the Federal interests in this project - just who's interest is he representing? His big business buddies in NASCO? His big business buddies in the North American Competitiveness Cou
But somehow Bush can send his SPP lackey Jeffrey N. Shane to Congress and tell us with a straight face there is no plan for a superhighway and it is an "urban legend." Mineta called the NASCO Trade Corridor "a vital artery of our national transportation." Is he refering to the non-exis
It actually gives Cors
Is the plan to create a North American Union a product of paranoid conspiratorial delusion or a reality being put into action as we speak by OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS? Corsi provides the clear documentation needed to show that it is indeed a real plan. It seems the only real conspiracy is the one by those involved including the media to deny it. Those easily led and fooled will of coarse repeat the denials with little if no real thought or investigation. Blind partisan political loyalties take priority over the truth these days. Bushbots or Clinton clones, it matters not. Such is the sorry state of political discourse for many in America today. Future generations depend on us to be alert and vigilant. They depend on us to take decisive action to preserve America's sovereignty and destiny to be a beacon of freedom to the world. The elite would twist that into a beacon free trade under a One World Government that they control. That was not the intent of our founding fathers. Greed and the lust for money has twisted their loyalty and honor. Though they were born American they have no allegiance to America, our country, the home of the free and the brave.
There is much more covered in the book and I highly recommend that you get a copy and read it.
- Details of the NAFTA Free Trade fraud and ongoing SPP deception.
- Funny money accounting practices that hide the magnitude of the real Federal budget deficits.
- A Customs port in Kansas City built and paid for by American taxpayers and refered to as "Mexican sovereign territory.
- Self destructive Free trade policies that hide the VAT (value added Tax) of other countries and are unfair to American workers and companies.
- Massive trade deficits that are bankrupting America.

"By nominating me, my party has made a choice to welcome the New America."
- George W. Bush, candidate for president of the United States (August, 2000)
God Bless America!!!
Words and music by Irving Berlin
© Copyright 1938, 1939 by Irving Berlin
"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. "
God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.