Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bloomberg panders to illegals while the economy burns

Before he is even out of the gate, Michael Bloomberg dooms his potential independent candidacy for president by opening his mouth. I was not to excited about a party hopping rich businessman with a Napoleonic complex running for president anyway. This statement by him removes any possibility that he would have even the remotest chance of success. Like Fred Thompson, he would have done much better if he just kept his big mouth shut and said nothing. Maybe his script writers are on strike as well.

Seems to me that this colonial like exploitation of cheap illegal labor is at the very root of our economic and social ills. But it's been a while since I was at the country club so maybe I'm out of touch with current mainstream American values. Are we now a caste society like India? We need a new generation of slave laborers to pick the cotton? Have we learned nothing since 1863? Oh - but the "beaner economy" of Bush and I guess Bloomberg is really cooking along now. Actually all of this open border, free trade, exploit the cheap working classes of third world countries comes right out of the think tanks of the CFR. So the modern day Robber Barrons have now transformed themselves into angels of light? J.P. Morgen and John D. Rockerfeller would be so proud to know that the dragons tooth of the CFR they created had grown into a full fledged beast that was, that is not and yet is ruining America and the free world.

Oh but they are making so much profit so it must all be good, right? Well - not these days. The global economy is teetering on the brink of self destruction and Bloomberg's solution is to import more illegal labor. Apparently the first 20 million wasn't enough. I guess you just can't have to many greenskeepers. Rome was sacked a number of times before she finally imploded. How many times can America stand this kind of domestic abuse?

I wouldn't have thought I could say this but Bloomberg's idea is an even more impotent economic stimulus than the new Bush tax cut proposal. Importing more cheap illegal labor? Isn't there a law against that? They ought to run him out of Gotham on a rail.

Bloomberg has a history of being a global elitist - so it is nothing new. I have trouble relating to his mentality but then I don't play much golf.

Bloomberg: Illegals needed to take care of golf courses
New York mayor: Fairways would suffer if undocumented immigrants sent home.

Bloomberg: More Immigration Helps Economy
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:18 AM
By: Newsmax Staff

New York City Mayor and potential presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg says that welcoming more immigrants to the U.S. is the key to solving America’s economic troubles.

“Our country has tried to look inward at the very time when we should be looking outward,” Bloomberg said at a press conference on Tuesday.

“We should be trying to encourage the best and the brightest from around the world to move here and bring their knowledge, bring their capital, bring their spirit to expand our economy, and sadly, I think we are going in the other direction.”

Bloomberg’s remarks echoed comments he made in last week State of the City address, when he praised immigrants’ role in the U.S. economy, the New York Sun reported.

In that address, he also criticized “those politicians who, all of a sudden, have embraced xenophobia,” an apparent swipe at the Republican presidential candidates.

The billionaire mayor said at Tuesday’s press conference that strong foreign markets will help drive the American economy.

“We, for example, need an economy in China that is flourishing. We export a lot to China as well as import from China. We need to have a Europe that is growing — that’s where we send a lot of our exports. We need to have people from around the world come here.”

The national scale of Bloomberg’s recent remarks about immigration, gun control and other issues has furthered speculation that he might run for president as an independent this year, according to the Sun.

Adding to that speculation, Bloomberg met last week in Texas with Clay Mulford, who helped mastermind Ross Perot’s 1992 third-party presidential campaign.